Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Kristin Bauer excited for new side of Pam in True Blood

Although Kristin Bauer's character of Pam has been a presence on True Blood for much of its run, she has not always been the forefront when it causes to creating any sort of drama or action. (As a matter of fact, she's spent a pretty sizable portion of time just hanging around Eric Northman.)

So with this in mind, Bauer is likely more excited than ever about her chance to see Pam come completely and totally into the limelight during season four. The actress recently sat down with AOL TV, and explained just how she projects this year to be different:

"This year, the main thing that I felt was that I got to play her really edgy. It's a really different side of Pam. We haven't seen it, we've suspected it, but she hasn't been unleashed ever. This year I feel is her most raw.
"... [Deborah and I] have gotten to be together more this year and I really enjoy it because Deborah (who plays Jessica) is so lovely. I could easily feel like a corrupting force in her life, just being myself and her being herself."

Thankfully, the long wait for new episodes is almost finally over. With "Game of Thrones" ending on Sunday, there is now nothing else keeping the vampires of Louisiana from coming back and taking their familiar summer timeslot.

Are you excited to see more of Pam this coming season?

Source: examiner.com

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