Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Ten Things Sookie Missed While Hanging With the Faeries

True Blood’s Season 4 premiere was an eye-opening experience for Sookie (Anna Paquin) when she realized that what she believed was only about ten minutes in Fairyland was actually more than a year on earth. It was a well-played move by the producers to give the series a slight reboot and use Sookie as the means in which to guide us past it fairly seamlessly.

What Sookie learned to be true about Fairyland – that they were trying to collect all their earthbound fairy kin in order to cut itself off from earth – was only the tip of the iceberg. She would return to a much different Bon Temps where her friends believed she was dead and most had moved on with their lives.

Here are 10 things Sookie missed while she was fraternizing with fairies:

1. Jason was fitted with the tightest police uniform possible. While Sookie was away, Jason (Ryan Kwanten) became a full-fledged deputy. He had also sold her home after doing everything he could to find her. Not surprisingly (since we always thought there was a caring person underneath the vanity), he has started taking care of Crystal’s (Lindsay Pulsipher) fellow werepanthers from Hotshot. Despite his kindness, though, he finds himself locked up in a freezer. For what? We’re not sure yet.

2. Bill has discovered a whole new range of emotions. We have to say that Sookie’s absence has been good to Bill or is it power? Somehow, he’s now the vampire king of Louisiana. Gone is the sulking, serious Bill we have known for three seasons. In his place, we have a Bill who smiles, laughs, and generally uses a whole range of emotions we didn’t think possible for him. Who knew?

3. Eric works the man-cleavage (and buys Sookie’s house). Eric (Alexander Skarsgard) wears a deep v-neck like no other vampire we know. While Sookie was away, he contends that he’s the only one who never gave up hope of her returning. It’s a winning argument with Bill canoodling with the interns and Jason having sold Sookie’s home. Of course, Eric knows how to strategize. Didn’t he bide his time plotting Russell Edgington’s (Denis O’Hare) downfall for more than 1,000 years? Sookie’s one-year absence is nothing. We soon learn that his plan to buy her house was tied closely to his plan to make Sookie his property, as well.

4. Lafayette has a gnarly mohawk (and starts hanging with witches). Now that they’ve been together for a year, Jesus (Kevin Alejandro) thinks it’s time Lafayette (Nelsan Ellis) explores his magical side. Enter Marnie (Harry Potter’s Fiona Shaw) whose creepy facial expressions, “I give up” wardrobe, and mental instability qualifies her to lead the town’s witch coven. With Lafayette’s magical mojo, Marnie and the group revive a dead bird for a few seconds, which apparently is about as far as Bill will let them get.

5. Tara found a use for her muscles. All this time Tara (Rutina Wesley) has been wasting those guns wiping away tears. Season 4’s Tara has found a better use for her muscles. She has started a new life in which she’s a cage fighter and has a new name, a new history, and a new hot… girlfriend! Yep, Tara has a new appreciation for the women.

6. Jessica and Hoyt argue like an old married couple. And isn’t it sweet? Really, it is. The only problem is Jessica (Deborah Ann Woll) is a hot, young vampire with needs. And if Hoyt (Jim Parrack) doesn’t fulfill them at home, that ginger may just make a visit to Fangtasia without him.

7. Vampire-Human relations blow. After Russell’s evening news killing, the American Vampire League has found their mainstreaming efforts are in trouble. So, Nan (Jessica Tuck) has dispatched Bill and Eric to do some damage control. They both handle it with ease, but apparently not much has changed with Pam (Kristin Bauer). Thankfully for us, she still doesn’t play well with others.

8. The Bellfleurs are taking the town by storm. It seems that Andy (Chris Bauer) is barely holding himself together as he has become heavily addicted to V. Jason takes care of him, but, we’re sure he’s possibly keeping Andy’s secret to keep himself in the uniform, as well. Meanwhile, Andy’s sister, Portia (Courtney Ford), is a powerful attorney and the head of the Chamber of Commerce. Did we mention she seems chummy with Bill?

9. A shapeshifter support group has formed. Sam (Sam Trammell) has discovered a whole group of other shapeshifters. They talk, they relate, they turn into horses and run willy-nilly through the forest. The only problem is there’s one shapeshifter who’s apparently not invited. Sam is still on the outs with his brother Tommy (Marshall Allman) after taking a gun shot at him last season. Strangely enough, Hoyt’s mother has taken Tommy in. We’ll see how much longer that lasts.

10. Arlene’s baby is a cute little demon. Terry (Todd Lowe) is raising Arlene’s (Carrie Preston) baby with her, but she can’t seem to get over that his real daddy was a serial killer. And while the baby is the apple of Terry’s eye, we have a feeling Arlene may be right. A mother always knows.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

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