Sunday, July 3, 2011

True Blood Recap: How Bill Became King

In the season 4 premiere of True Blood, the show jumped forward one year and we found out Bill is the new Vampire King of Louisiana. How did that happen, you ask? This week we find out, and we also get to enjoy Jason having his clothes ripped off, Eric taking a shirtless midnight stroll down the road and more naked Sam than you can shake a stick at.

Bill's flashbacks begin when Sookie shows up to see him, interrupting his violent sexual encounter with his coven spy Katerina. Sookie looks for some help getting rid of Eric, but King Bill can't do much. That sends us to our first flashback of the night, set in 1982 London.

And this is where we meet one of my favorite character's ever, Punk Rock Bill! That's right, he's channeling his inner Spike and engages in a vaguely homoerotic biting session with a skeezy bartender. But even with his Billy Idol wannabe accent, Bill doesn't kill him, which gets him noticed by none other than Nan Flanagan.

Nan is all about coming out of the coffin with an assist from Louis Pasteur (a vampire, natch) who is the man responsible for creating synthetic blood. She wants vampires to live openly, but she also wants to insert spies into the established vampire monarchy to bring it down from the inside. I smell a big war coming between Nan and the Vampire Authority, those mysterious, shadowy figures we saw briefly last season.

In the second flashback, we go to the end of last season as Bill and Sophie-Anne did battle. Bill gets his butt kicked, but then his army of human soldiers with silver-tipped wooden bullets comes in and turns Sophie-Anne into a big pile of goo. Why does True Blood keep killing all the cool vampires?

Covered in queen blood, Nan shows up to give Bill the oath of office so he can become the new king, and, presumably, her mole on the inside. Nan seems to have her hand in every pot right now, and I can't tell what, if anything, Eric and Bill know about the other's involvement with her. Miss Flanagan is a woman to keep an eye on, because she's at the center of whatever big coup d'etat is going down behind the scenes.

Next week on True Blood: What's the only thing more entertaining than a preposterous "Eric has amnesia" story? How about the fact that he stays shirtless for the majority of the episode? If that's not enough, we also get the return of hunky werewolf Alcide.
